I set up for Art Expo/Solo tomorrow. Like a road race upon seeing the finish line, I usually pick up the pace to sprint to the finish. Likewise, I have picked up the pace to complete as many new pieces as I could for the show. It’s been exhausting but gratifying.
I have this running debate (forgive all of the running references) with myself about the type of pieces I should create. Make what sells, or make what my creative instincts guide me to, whatever the direction. Not that these are completely different directions. I do like to create classically “beautiful” work but I don’t want to merely do “pretty.” You can photograph a flower. The subject is pretty so you get a “pretty image”. Pushing yourself, you can photograph a flower but still have a voice and something unique to say.
“Portal” came together very quickly, just in time for the show. It is pretty and I think it will sell. I am not breaking any creative new ground here but it was a very satisfying process. I will be proud to show it but it always saddens me when new work sells. I always hope they will stick around for a while.