We moved back into the house after the renovation and I can now start setting up my new workshop/studio. I was never very handy,… especially with power tools so I never dreamed that I would have a studio like this (then again, I never thought that I would be making sculptures). I still won’t be able to create any pieces until I am unpacked, a process that could take weeks. Tools have to be cleaned up; boxes put away; and a gillion pieces of Foundling parts have to be sorted, cleaned and found a place for,… no small feat as I have no clue how I am going to orgainize all of this.
After six months I am looking forward to finally being able to get back to creating but before I do, I have another Art Expo New York / Solo show this week and I have to start to prepare for this in earnest. I am happy to have a better place to work with better light, heat and windows. I hope the Foundlings to come will be pleased as well.