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I have not written a blog entry for months. I’m not sure why. I can’t blame it on distractions

even though I have been productive. I have finally migrated my entire blog from my Word

Press site to my Foundling website (it’s so much simpler to have this all in in one place...

all 167+ entries). I am still working on Foundlings that needed to be “pushed.” I have just completed a new picture book showcasing 60 works and all the while, working on new pieces. In fact I just sold a new work. Still, I have been resistant to writing.

Life is slowly returning to the “new” normal. We do go out to dinner with friends now, mostly eating outdoors and we are adjusting to the lack of travel, social events and theatre going. We are in that “in-between realm” between the quarantined phase and what was once normal. Mask wearing has gotten lax as I am now usually asking permission to wear or not wear a mask. And I am more likely to return to hugging friends when I am with them.

In the end, I am very lucky to be able to work out of my home/studio, have enough to eat and have been able to weather these trying times in a relatively comfortable manner, but my heart aches for the people less fortunate.

This is the latest piece I am working on. I am not sure how to frame this or how to engineer the egg but I am confident that I will figure this out. I will need to stain the wood darker as well. And I have yet to name it.

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