The pandemic has been going on for over 100 days. Self isolating and social distancing has made the days much the same. Without going out to dinner, seeing friends or going to the movies, every day is eerily similar. This has imposed on me a kind of solitude and it has inspired me to create more works. I have been very prolific.
When I am creating I am lost in the moment. I am not thinking of the pandemic, about the loss I have suffered, or how long this will last. When I am creating the “sameness” and sadness are gone.
Antique fairs are cancelled, visits to garage sales or antiques stores have stopped, and my stock of ingredients has been dwindling. This does force me to reconsider the material I have and it forces me to reconsider how I create a new Foundling. Perhaps I need to reconsider what all of this solitude means as well.
