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Verdigris III

I have fallen in love with green. It was easy to see how beautiful brass, bronze and gold work with the dark wood but green has slowly revealed itself to be such a lovely addition to my color palette. Green, almost hiding in plain sight, is such an obvious color choice—just look at the beauty of trees.

Verdigris III is still in the very early “fitting” stage and it appears to want to come together quickly as the parts seem to fit easily together. And the “engineering” part seems pretty straight forward as well.

There is a small problem, however. The frames I have, all standard, stock sizes, do not fit the sundial. The box could always be notched into the frame if there is overlap but the opening of the circular frame as well as the inset behind the opening, have to be enlarged. Not knowing much about turning wood I had thought that I would need a custom frame made. My friend Dave comes to the rescue once again. He has a lathe and has been turning beautiful objects for a while now. I sent him images of the pieces and he thinks he can widen both the inside opening and the inset.

My thinking is always, if a piece wants to be born it will. Dave will be able to do this, or he won’t. If this doesn’t happen then I will have to move on. My fingers are crossed.

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